Rebecca Sugrue, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
+1 415 476-0735

Dr. Rebecca Sugrue is a postdoctoral scholar working on our PROTECT study. She completed her PhD in environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley where she researched low-cost methods for the monitoring and mitigation of diesel particulate matter in environmental justice communities in California. She is interested in improving our estimates of wildfire smoke pollution and the related disparities of the exposure-response relationship for most short-term health outcomes of concern, including respiratory and cardiovascular conditions.


In-Use Passenger Vessel Emission Rates of Black Carbon and Nitrogen Oxides.

Environmental science & technology

Sugrue RA, Preble CV, Tarplin AG, Kirchstetter TW

Rapid Mapping of Dissolved Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Coastal Ecosystems Using the ChemYak Autonomous Surface Vehicle.

Environmental science & technology

Nicholson DP, Michel APM, Wankel SD, Manganini K, Sugrue RA, Sandwith ZO, Monk SA

Effects of Condensed-Phase Oxidants on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation.

The journal of physical chemistry. A

Daumit KE, Carrasquillo AJ, Sugrue RA, Kroll JH